Thursday, July 17, 2008

Neopolitan Ice Cream

Neopolitan ice cream, the chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla mix that creates an unbelievably scrumptious taste in one's mouth. Right? Who wouldn't agree with me? Neopolitan ice cream has to be the best ice cream ever, I mean it combines the three basic flavors that ice cream was founded on. Right? WRONG. Let me start my critique on Neopolitan ice cream by saying that it is indeed the worst ice cream one can buy, or enjoy. Now some of you may be Neopolitan lovers, part of the fan club that is the three-flavored ice cream. But prepare for some enlightenment. You cannot love Neopolitan ice cream. It just is not possible. You may love vanilla, you may love chocolate, you may even love strawberry (yea, right), you may even love two of these flavors, or even all three, but you cannot love Neopolitan. Neopolitan is merely a combination of these flavors, it is not a flavor of ice cream. It does not even come close. If someone were to tell you that their favorite ice cream was Neopolitan, the first thing you should do is tell them that it is simply not possible, if not downright stupid. Three ice creams cannot be your favorite ice cream, one of the flavors inside of Neopolitan can be your favorite, but to say that all three flavors are your favorite is really just wrong. It does not even work in the english language, for example, one cannot say "Chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, is my favorite ice cream." Clearly I've become far too obsessed with the idea of Neopolitan ice cream, I will stop this rant, but I hope that you've learned something today. Something about yourself, especially if you love Neopolitan ice cream.

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